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Classifying Communication

Communication is a vital part in each and every one's life. It serves as a medium for exchanging information, ideas and emotions. People would go crazy without communicating or interacting with another person. We could not perform our task or duties without communication. There are many ways to communicate to other persons may it be verbally, written, or other forms. It could also be expressed none verbally through gestures or body language. The important part is that the receiver and the sender of the message are on the same page. Communication would be useless if both of you do not understand what you are trying to convey. There are different forms of relaying communication may it be through electronic devices such as email, cb radios, cb radio, telephone and mobile devices. These are some devices which are developed by man to effectively communicate instantly even through large distance. The types of communication could be broken down into four basic categories.

Verbal Communication

These type is classified though the use of words, sounds, speech or language. You need to interact or relay the message by speaking directly or indirectly to the receiver. People are more convince with your ideas and perspective if you speak fluently and relay the message clearly. It is also essential in business to have good communication skills in dealing with different types of people. It would be advantageous to have this talent. It’s no secret that speaking is the most effective way of communicating. Through the advancement of technology, people are able to talk even when they are on different sides of the world through different devices stated above. This allows people to interact with their love ones even if they are seas apart. We are lucky to enjoy this advancement. If these were not invented, we would have to wait for written mails to arrive at our doorsteps.

Non-Verbal Communication

This involves communicating through, touch, gestures, body motion and tone of the voice. Some express a message through creative and aesthetic non-verbal communication such as dancing, sculpting or composing a song. Sign language or other gestures are also included in this category.

Visual Communication

This includes visual representation to communicate. You could use paintings, photographs, or a video presentation to relay a message. With the advancement of technology, you could easily upload a video or photo slide-show to extend your message in the Internet or even through high tech mobile devices.

Written Communication

Expressing the message you wanted to relay in words is another type of communication. Article writing, emails, reports, chatting, and sending text messages are forms of written communication. It could be edited anytime unlike verbal or non-verbal communication. Written communication is widely used to effectively relay messages. Written messages are easy to recall since you could just read it all over again. People nowadays are addicted through SM'S sending which is much cheaper compared to making phone calls. It has become an effective means of sending a short message or even a long one.